Specialty Bikes Guide Part 2: Kids' Road Bikes
Road bikes are pretty specific to purpose and are usually lighter and faster than their all-terrain counterparts. This helps with the endurance required for long-distance riding, which means different things to kids of different age, experience, and fitness levels. We break it all down for you.
Specialty Bikes Guide Part 1: Kids' Mountain Bikes
One of the most common kinds of beginner multi-speed bikes you'll see used by other kids in the neighborhood are mountain bikes. That's because MTBs are one of the more versatile styles for any age. We go into detail on everything you need to know about these bikes and the gear necessary to keep them safe.
Rim Brakes vs. Disc Brakes and What This Means for Your Kids
While there are several types of brakes out there, two of the most common are rim and disc hand brakes. We'll peel off the main differences between the two and then tie them back to what you care about most, your kids, so that you can make an informed decision between the two.
7 Ways to Teach Your Kids How to Use Bicycle Hand Brakes
Quite frankly, the debate over this one doesn't appear to be ending anytime soon. But, when it comes down to it, the overwhelming majority of children will end up using hand brakes over the long haul for one reason or another.
Coaster Brakes or Hand Brakes – Which Should My Kid Use?
The quality of a child's bike can be measured in large part by its brakes. Considering that the most important thing a young rider can learn is how to stop, it pays to get this right. We'll smarten you up on the overall options so that you can make a sound decision about what's best for your budding bicyclist.
15 Questions You Should Be Asking About Kids’ Bike Helmets
The most important job for any parent—then, now, and forever—is to keep your kids safe. And when it comes to two-wheeling, we’re here to help. This guide addresses the most important things to consider when it comes to protecting your kids’ noggins once they take to the streets.
Types of Kids' Bikes – the Busy Parent’s Guide
Gone is the era of buying Junior a bright-red two-wheeler with streamers and a basket and calling it a day. Nowadays there are many types of bikes for kids. Don't worry, we're here to help.
Bicycle Safety Checklist – the ABC's of Bike Safety [Infographic]
Basic bike safety and maintenance requires only a small set of tools and supplies. Here are some tips and tricks to get you rolling safely.
You Should Let Your Kids Play Outside Alone
There’s a gap between real and perceived dangers for kids playing outside alone. That’s a problem since irrational fear is keeping them indoors.